Kerr from Say Cheese gave me an award. I wish I had a lengthy speech ready. There are just so many people to thank. But seriously, thanks for thinking of little ol' me Kerr.
So here is what I have to do. I'm supposed to answer 7 things about myself and then pass this award on to other bloggers. Buckle up... here we go.
1) I was born with a pronounced mole on my left leg. Growing up my mom would put dots on all of my left shoes. I was the only kid that never put their shoes on the wrong feet.
2) I break out into song on average 25 times a day. Some of my favorite tunes are from The Sound of Music and Chicago.
3) In 10th grade I was chosen to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.
4) I can do the entire Napoleon Dynamite dance.
5) I have broken my left collarbone twice. Once in 6th grade and another time when I was 22. One time I broke it doing a handstand and the other while I was drinking poolside. I'll let you connect the dots.
6) I eat both Nutella and Peanut Butter straight out of the jar.
7) I am not a picky eater. The only thing I can't stand are Beets. I try them about 4 times a year and I'm disgusted 4 times a year.
Here is the random sampling of people I'm passing this on to:
Hallie- Southern Dash of Sass
Amanda- A Beautiful Mess
Liz- From Portland to Peonies
Sara- A Trice of Life
Diana- ExPress-o
Olivia- Everday Musings
Joan- Charleston Daily Photo
Brady- Brayism (my brother)
Val- ValSoCal
Kristen- Just When You Thought