Saturday, August 15, 2009

Darlin' I think I started a blog.

After a couple of months of pondering what my blog would consist of, I decided it would be about me and my soon to be husband. We live in beautiful Charleston, S.C. and consider ourselves to be pretty laid back and very fortunate. More about us later.

On to my first topic.... drum roll pah-lease...... His name is Garf, or so Matt named him. Lets preface this by saying that since we bought our home in February there have always been random house cats hanging around. We have named our home, 'The Scratch Pad' because of this. I swear we never feed them or even give them water but this is their hangout. My hypothesis is based on the fact that we are one of the few neighbors with trees in our yard. This obviously holds the bird population for Palmetto Hall Blvd. I digress... This unusually cool August evening (85 degrees) an old creepy cat came lurking around and still hasn't left. Of course at first my heart felt for the half-blind feline but after Garfield stared us down for an hour and circled us like a shark for an hour more I was over him. He's been throwing himself against our house and is trying to cling itself to Matt. Here is Matt giving some love to G. And no, the tongs he is holding was not for torture but for grilling dinner. Below is a pic of Matt's 'Man Dinner'. It was yummus.

Even now, 3 hours since the sun set and we've settled in, Garfield is at our door scratching and clawing to get in. I feel like I'm being watched... however now we believe it may be one of Matt's deceased relatives. So Garf will now be called Carl.

Dear Carl,

I hope you find what you are looking for.


Thanks everyone and stay tuned

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