Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Lights

Last night Matt and I headed over to James Island. We met up with our friends Amber and Jon at J. Paulz and enjoyed some sushi.

Afterwards dinner, Amber and I sprung it on the boys that we were going to the James Island County Park to drive through and see the lights. The boys huffed and puffed but of course we got them there and we all had a great time.

Sorry for the quality of the pics. Matt was driving a little too fast.


  1. fun!! i'm going to spring it on my husband sunday night, too!! :)

  2. I was an elf at HOFL during college! so fun

  3. So fun! My work is having our Christmas party oyster roast at the JICP next Sunday so we'll be seeing the lights then! :)

  4. I love the lights! And I love jpaulz sushi too.


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