Sunday, September 11, 2011

Home of the Brave

10 years ago I was 17 years old and a Senior in high school. I was sitting in my entrepreneurship class when my vice principal made the announcement about the attacks. I was scared and a friend next to me started to cry. Her uncle worked in the Pentagon. That afternoon the Senior class sat in the library watching the footage. This was before each classroom had a tv or computer with internet.

My basketball game was cancelled that evening and my whole family stayed at home that night and watched the coverage. In the coming weeks I remember donating blood and money to the cause. I didn't know how else to help. I remember a couple of my friends were signing up for the Marines. I was so proud of their sacrifice.

So on this day hold your family, friends and neighbors close. Be selfless and do a kind act for a stranger. Even if we can't agree on all topics, remember that we share this great country and our freedom is constantly being earned.

God Bless America, land that I love.

Where were you on that day?


  1. I was a freshman in high school, in my first period class. Hard to believe that was 10 years ago.

  2. Great blog entry. We must never forget. We must pray for continued healing of our nation. We must always let God "stand beside her and guide her."


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