If you have 10 minutes and would like to see the cutest couple in the world WATCH this!
(the couple is not Matt and I so don't get your hopes up)
Have a Lovely Weekend.
2 days ago
I don't have a recipe for you since I made it up as I went. Just the usual apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, little butter and a pinch of salt.
Rita Bachmann and Pete Ambrose show off an early-season harvest of arugula and strawberries
I hope for Matt's sake the fresh veggies inspire me to be a better cook.
This is for less then $2/day for 2 people. For a look at the types of veggies/fruit for the Spring click Here. Anyone want my beets out there?
Click here to find a local CSA by you!
Linda getting back scratched by Coco (Matt's mom)
Jake turned 3 yesterday